My cooks hence work hard hither to fill thy hungry stomatch and quench the thirs of thy parched lips with the rarest of juices.
Their wage will be added to the price. (14%) If ye findeth them unworthy of their wage, make haste and beseech the Lord of hither castle!
Soft drinks (0,5 l)
Peach1 450 Ft
Apricot1 450 Ft
Apple1 450 Ft
Pear1 450 Ft
Sour cherry1 450 Ft
Orange1 490 Ft
Pineapple1 490 Ft
Black currant1 490 Ft
Tomato1 390 Ft
Coca-Cola1 490 Ft
Coca-cola zero1 490 Ft
Fanta orange1 490 Ft
Sprite1 490 Ft
Ginger1 490 Ft
Tonic1 490 Ft
Syrup with soda
(raspberry, elderberry, lemon, sour cherry) 1 490 Ft
Filtered water 0,4 l
790 Ft
790 Ft
Filtered water 0,6 l
1 090 Ft
1 090 Ft
Dreher (draught) 0,5L1 650 Ft
Dreher (draught) 1L 3 190 Ft
Pilsner Urquell (draught) 0,5L1 750 Ft
Pilsner Urquell (draught) 1L3 390 Ft
Dreher Bak (draught) 0,5L
1 750 Ft
1 750 Ft
Dreher Bak (draught) 1L
3 390 Ft
3 390 Ft
Floris sour cherry (draught) 0,5L2 190 Ft
Floris sour cherry (draught) 1L4 290 Ft
Hofbrau München Weissbier 0,51 590Ft
Hofbrau München Prem. Lager 0,5 L1 490 Ft
Dreher classic 0,33L
1 190 Ft
1 190 Ft
Pilsner Urquell 0,33L
1 390 Ft
1 390 Ft
Dreher non alcoholic 0,33L
1 190 Ft
1 190 Ft
Horizont Hary Queen 0,33L
2 190 Ft
2 190 Ft
Pannonhalmi Főapátság Tripel 0,33L
2 190 Ft
2 190 Ft
Pálinka (0,5 dl)
Kisüsti apple 0,5 dl
2 490 Ft
2 490 Ft
Szomolyai black cherry 0,5 dl
2 690 Ft
2 690 Ft
Plum aged on double fruit bed 0,5 dl
2 590 Ft
2 590 Ft
Sour cherry aged on double fruit bed 0,5 dl
2 590 Ft
2 590 Ft
Quince 0,5 dl
2 490 Ft
2 490 Ft
Grape 0,5 dl
2 490 Ft
2 490 Ft
Kisüsti pear 0,5 dl2 490 Ft
Plum 0,5 dl
2 490 Ft
2 490 Ft
Ripened plum 0,5 dl
2 590 Ft
2 590 Ft
Apricot 0,5 dl
2 490 Ft
2 490 Ft
Red William pear 0,5 dl
2 790 Ft
2 790 Ft
Wild sour cherry 0,5 dl
2 690 Ft
2 690 Ft
Elderberry 0,5 dl
2.590 Ft
2.590 Ft
Muscat plum 0,5 dl
2.690 Ft
2.690 Ft
Ginger 0,5 dl
2 690 Ft
2 690 Ft
Mandarin 0,5 dl
2 890 Ft
2 890 Ft
Short drinks (0,5 l)
Martini (bianco, dry, rosso) (1 dl) 1 590 Ft
Aperol (1 dl) 2 190 Ft
Aperol Sritz3 190 Ft
Uniqum1 950 Ft
Uniqum plum1 950 Ft
Uniqum Barista1 950 Ft
Jägermeister1 950 Ft
Bacardi Carta Blanca1 850 Ft
Havanna Club Anejo 7 Anos2 550 Ft
Captain Morgen Spiced Gold1 990 Ft
Disaronno Amaretto1 850 Ft
Baileys1 990 Ft
Chocolate liqueur2 190 Ft
Cointreau1 990 Ft
1 850 Ft
1 850 Ft
Ouzo Tsantali
1 790 Ft
1 790 Ft
Bombay Sapphire Gin
1 990 Ft
1 990 Ft
Hendrick’s Gin
3 150 Ft
3 150 Ft
Malfy Rosa Gin
2 350 Ft
2 350 Ft
1 850 Ft
1 850 Ft
Absolut Blue
1 950 Ft
1 950 Ft
Beluga vodka
3 150 Ft
3 150 Ft
Sierra Silver
1 990 Ft
1 990 Ft
Sierra Gold
1 990 Ft
1 990 Ft
Johnni Walker Black2 550 Ft
Jim Beam Bourbon1 850 Ft
Jack Daniels tennessee2 290 Ft
Jameson Irish2 490 Ft
Chivas Regal Old scotch2 890 Ft
Dimple 15 year old scotch3 590 Ft
Glenfiddich scotch malata3 590 Ft
Courvoisier V.S.2 990 Ft
Baron Gaston Legrand
Bas Armagnac V.S.2 990 Ft
Bas Armagnac V.S.2 990 Ft
Lheraud Cognac V.S.O.P3 390 Ft
Champagne (1 bottle)
Hungária Extra dry
7 490 Ft
7 490 Ft
Hungaria Grand Cuvee Rouge (demi sec)
7 490 Ft
7 490 Ft
Asti Martini
8 990 Ft
8 990 Ft
Sauska Extra Dry
13 990 Ft
13 990 Ft
Pommery Apanage Blanc de Blancs
39 990 Ft
39 990 Ft
Törley Laurent Perrier Rose Brut
49 990 Ft
49 990 Ft
Tea, Caffee
Tea7 90 Ft
Espresso coffee9 50 Ft
Cappuccino9 90 Ft
Coffee with whipped cream9 90 Ft
See our wine list.